PROLinx® Select
is the best weather barrier available for projects requiring standard weather protection. Woven fabric construction provides exceptional strength and durability at a low weight. Balanced breathability and reliable water-resistance combine to make PROLinx Select the best value in commercial-grade weather protection.

Professional contractor grade
for moderate to severe weather

PROLinx® Drain
is designed for severe weather protection, maximum drainage, and balanced breathability under fiber-cement, brick, vinyl, stucco, hardboard, metal, stone, and wood sidings. It promotes drainage in all directions for faster, more complete drying and easy installation. PROLinx Drain is UV-stabilized and may be left exposed for up to 120 days.

Enhanced drainage capability
for severe weather

PROLinx® Advantage
is a commercial-grade building wrap, engineered from non-perforated cross woven fabrics. Providing the highest real-world resistance to severe weather and wind driven rain, it is well-suited for demanding residential and commercial projects.
PROLinx Advantage is a recognized air barrier material that allows for a balanced transfer of moisture vapor, creating a healthier and more energy-efficient structure.

Commercial grade for
severe weather

PROLinx® Plus HP
is a commercial-grade building wrap, engineered from strong non-woven fabrics. It is the best choice for severe weather protection. Providing the highest real-world resistance to moisture, it is well-suited for residential and commercial projects with high-perm moisture transfer requirements. PROLinx Plus HP is a recognized air barrier material that allows for the highest transfer of moisture vapor, creating a healthier and more energy-efficient structure for projects in wet and cold climates, or projects requiring a high level of vapor permeability.

Professional contractor grade for moderate to severe weather