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PROLinx® Select

is the best weather barrier available for projects requiring standard weather protection. Woven fabric construction provides exceptional strength and durability at a low weight. Balanced breathability and reliable water-resistance combine to make PROLinx Select the best value in commercial-grade weather protection.
Professional contractor grade for moderate to severe weather

PROLinx® Drain

is designed for severe weather protection, maximum drainage, and balanced breathability under fiber-cement, brick, vinyl, stucco, hardboard, metal, stone, and wood sidings. It promotes drainage in all directions for faster, more complete drying and easy installation. PROLinx Drain is UV-stabilized and may be left exposed for up to 120 days.

Enhanced drainage capability for severe weather

PROLinx® Advantage

is a commercial-grade building wrap, engineered from non-perforated cross woven fabrics. Providing the highest real-world resistance to severe weather and wind driven rain, it is well-suited for demanding residential and commercial projects.

PROLinx Advantage is a recognized air barrier material that allows for a balanced transfer of moisture vapor, creating a healthier and more energy-efficient structure.

Commercial grade for severe weather

PROLinx® Plus HP

is a commercial-grade building wrap, engineered from strong non-woven fabrics. It is the best choice for severe weather protection. Providing the highest real-world resistance to moisture, it is well-suited for residential and commercial projects with high-perm moisture transfer requirements. PROLinx Plus HP is a recognized air barrier material that allows for the highest transfer of moisture vapor, creating a healthier and more energy-efficient structure for projects in wet and cold climates, or projects requiring a high level of vapor permeability.

Professional contractor grade for moderate to severe weather

PROLinx® WrapLab™

Separate yourself from your competition and create demand by taking advantage of a one of a kind printing platform. PROLinx Building Wrap offers a seamless way for our customers to build their very own customized house Wrap online. In less than 5 minutes you can have a draft of your layout online.

Full color custom print is available along with an option of printing alternating images at the smallest quantity the industry offers. Our competitive priced custom building wrap can be delivered in 3 weeks or less and provides an option to mix standard print and custom print on the same pallet. With a warranty of 10 years, you can’t go wrong with PROLinx Building Wrap.